Rare, vintage 1920′s battery operated tube radio that is marked on the front panel “Gershon Super Five”. The unit could be from a small local company that has yet to be documented. Perhaps someone with more knowledge than I can determine the origin of this piece. The radio appears very similar to the Steinite Velvetone Super-Five. The radio is untested, but it should not take much to get this piece working. All of the knobs turn smoothly and properly, but the center knob is cracked. The front bakelite panel has no chips or cracks and the lettering shows minimal wear. All five of the 01A tubes are present. The radio measures 20″ long, 10.5″ deep at the base and about 8.25 tall. The radio has a slant front, with the base deeper than the top. The radio is painted black inside and out. The interior is very clean and all of the components appear to be present. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own this great early and unique piece that is a must have for your collection. Do not hesitate to make an offer, all will be considered.